While people are doing work from home, some are just free at home, some are loaded with work, there are students who have nothing to do in the lockdown period. Some schools and colleges have started online education for their students and taking admissions also online. If you are a student and don’t know what to do in a free time, here is what you can do in your free time.

Online courses

There are many online courses but here are some resources that can help you get started in a proper manner.

For Students with Basic Computer Training

  1. Digital Marketing

    Google offers free Digital Marketing Courses with online certification that you get after you pass the online exam towards the end of your course.
    Read more about this here.
  2. Programming Languages

    Students can learn programming languages which is first step to get into Software development or Web development industry.
    Click here to learn more.

For Students with Advanced Computer Training

If you are an advanced student who already has done some web development training such as HTML, CSS, Javascript or PHP, Java coding languages. You can try upgrading skills to achieve following:

  1. Google Ad Manager
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Artificial Intelligence

More to come in Machine Learning and AI. Stay tuned.

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