Posted inHealth

Constipation: The Uncomfortable Truth

Let’s talk about something nobody really wants to discuss, but everyone experiences at some point: constipation. It’s that frustrating, uncomfortable situation where your body decides to be a little less cooperative than usual. Constipation, it’s a problem as old as time. But in our fast-paced, modern world, it seems to have become even more common. […]

Posted inOpinion

Video games and Violence

Ah, the age-old debate of video games and violence! It’s like a classic rock paper scissors match: you’ve got those who swear video games turn kids into axe-wielding maniacs, and then there are those who see them as harmless fun, maybe even beneficial. For decades, the digital realm has been a battleground for opinions on […]

Posted inHealth

Monkeypox : A Viral VisitorĀ 

Remember smallpox? That nasty disease that was wiped out years ago? Well, monkeypox is its less severe cousin. It’s a viral infection that can cause a rash and flu-like symptoms. While it’s not usually life-threatening, it can be pretty uncomfortable.  Originally found mostly in African countries, monkeypox has started showing up in other parts of […]

Posted inHealth

Smartphone Addiction: Our Digital Leash

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: our obsession with smartphones. It’s like we’re all hooked up to an invisible leash, constantly tugged by the promise of a new notification, a like, or a share. It’s easy to get sucked into the endless scroll, the dopamine hits from social media, and the fear of […]

Posted inOpinion

India: The Golden Bird – A Glittering Past

Imagine India as a dazzling jewel, its a historical epithet that encapsulates the country’s immense wealth and prosperity during ancient times. This moniker, “Sone ki Chidiya” in Hindi, is a testament to India’s economic and cultural opulence.That’s exactly what it was called for centuries: the Golden Bird. Isn’t that a fancy title? So, what made […]

Posted inOpinion

India’s Water Crisis: A Thirsty Nation

2024 has been a stark reminder of India’s deepening water crisis. 2024 has been a brutal year for India when it comes to water. It’s like the country is running on empty, with cities like Bengaluru bearing the brunt of the crisis. Reservoirs are drying up faster than you can say “water scarcity,” and people […]